Get Retirement Planning Advice . . .
And Then Implement It?

To get retirement planning advice is the smart thing to do, but to act on the advice is not always that simple!

You think that opinion is nonsensical?

An October 2012 study published by TIAA-CREF, a prominent financial services provider, found that 'only one-third of Americans consistently take action after receiving financial advice.'

Surely there must be a reason for that!

I'm not a financial advisor, but during the years of building this Web site, I came to a similar conclusion. Family, friends, and former colleagues would ask my advice about some aspect of their retirement planning, but very rarely would they go ahead and implement my advice.

However, I can't be too critical about that. I did exactly the same thing when I realized that my retirement provision was inadequate and that I needed some urgent advice.

The study mentioned above found that 47% of respondents rely on family and friends for planning advice. Furthermore, almost 60% between age 45 to 54 admitted that they are worried that they will run out of money during retirement.

These findings are also consistent with my own personal experience. It is very difficult to accept the advice of a younger financial advisor who has not been through the process of retirement him or her self. In my case the advice was so contrary to what I wanted and hoped for that I followed my own plan.

Would I have been better off if I followed the advice given at that time? We'll never know! But I doubt it. When I look at colleagues who acted at that time on the advice they received, some did very well but some did not do well.

That's where the idea of this Web site was born. A central site where you can read about the personal experiences of somebody who has been through the process. Our circumstances are all different, and we even act differently on advice. But I found that reading about the personal views and experience of my peers, helps me to clear my understanding of the subject.

Visit the related discussions on this Web site. Educate yourself on the subject of retirement planning so that you can take control and make informed decisions. However, do not rely on the calculators and planners found on this Web site for making retirement planning decisions.

When you are ready, evaluate some qualified and experienced advisors before you choose an advisor. Only act on his or her advice when you fully understand the advice and it aligns with your long-term view. Eliminate uncertainty!

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